Unable to Oppress
Unable to Oppress,2021, EEG Sensing system, custom addon for Blender 3D modeling software
Unable to Oppress2021,脑电波感应系统,Blender 3D建模软件的定制插件
《Unable to Oppress》是一个通过脑电活动实时生成动画作品。作品通过多台显示器呈现,这些显示器通过电缆与EEG传感器相连。 作品将脑电活动转译成不同形态的身体部位。通过解读从不断变化的身体影像中浮现的人物特征,观众得以直面自身自发脑活动的特质。
Unable to Oppress is an animation work generated in real-time through EEG activity. The piece is presented across multiple monitors, interconnected with cables and an EEG sensor. It translates brainwave activity into various forms of body parts. By interpreting the characteristics of figures emerging from constantly shifting bodily imagery, viewers are confronted with the traits of their spontaneous brain activity.